Promo Ultramen Beli 1 Gratis 1 Milk Tea Series – Promo ini berlaku untuk pembelian Milk Tea secara dine-in selama bulan Mei 2023.
Free Milk Tea for you
Ultra-forces, where are you guys at? Now is your chance to experience the ULTIMATE on ALL OF OUR OUTLETS! Here is our special promo for the WHOLE MONTH just for you! BUY 1 GET 1 EVERY MONDAY
Here are the information you need to know:
1. Must Follow @ultramen_id and post your Ultra-Moments to Instagram ! Available for DINE IN ONLY on Ultimate Ramen on MAY 2023
2. Every Monday, buy any type of milk series (Milk Tea Boba/Matcha Milk Boba) GET FREE MILK SERIES OF YOUR CHOICE!
3. Applicable for multiple orders!
4. Minimum order of 200.000
Don’t miss this chance, Ultra-Forces! Who do you want to bring with you?
Mahmudah, lulusan Sastra Inggris dari universitas di Indonesia, adalah penggemar kuliner dan perjalanan. Ia suka menjelajahi kuliner baru dengan berburu promo untuk mendapatkan nilai terbaik. Mahmudah berharap dapat melakukan wisata kuliner di berbagai kota di Indonesia dan luar negeri, sambil berbagi tips bermanfaat bagi para pecinta kuliner.